Youth Zone 2013-14 Photo Albums 

Grand Trip to FunFuzion! - October 14 Danny & Eitan's Carnival - January 21 
Lazer Tag & Baking Cookies for Children in the Hospital - November 3  Monster Mini Golf & Delivering Cookies to the Firemen - March 2
Bowling & Visiting the Elderly - December 1  Packing Food for the Food Pantry - April 6
Snow Tubing & Preparing for the Carnival - January 5   


Youth Zone 2012-13 Photo Albums

Ice Skating and Visiting the Elderly

Recording Books for the Blind 
Game Truck and Carnival Prep Chanuka Toy Drive
Snow Tubing Danny's Carnival
Mitzva Day for Danny, Jonah, & Ben Bowling 


Youth Zone 2011-12 Photo Albums

Sukkah Building and Lazer Tag Shirts to the poor and game truck 
Visit to the Elderly and Ice Skating Food for the homeless and Snow tubing
Show appreciation and baking  Food pantry and ceramics
Charity Boxes and The Bounce   

Past Youth Events

Bat Mitzvah Club Lazer Tag  
JKC Purim  
JKC Shavuot